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The Climbing Film Tour -lyhytelokuvanäytös Ristikossa lauantaina 14.12. klo 20!

14.12.2024 KLO 20.0022.00

Pääsymaksu 10 €

The Climbing Film Tour -elokuvanäytösiltana on luvassa vaikuttava kattaus lyhytelokuvia Ristikon terassilla (välitasanne) ja ravintola palvelee nälkäisiä katsojia leffan alkamiseen asti.

Halli suljetaan normaalisti klo 20, joten hallilla on leffankatselurauha. Näytös alkaa klo 20. Leffojen yhteiskesto on n. 2 h.

Osta lippusi Ristikon kassalta tai osoitteesta hintaan 10 € (paikkoja rajoitetusti). Osta lippusi tästä:

Psst… Ennen elokuvaa Ristikossa järjestetään KING & QUEEN OF KILTER -kilpailuiden finaalit! Lisätietoja kilpailun tapahtuma sivulla myöhemmin.

The Climbing Film Tour movie night in Ristikko on Saturday 14th December at 8 PM!

We have an impressive line-up of short films on the Ristikko’s terrace (duration about 2 hours) and our own restaurant is open until 8 pm. The gym will normally close at 8 pm, so the gym will be quiet for movie-viewing. The show starts at 8 PM. 

Buy your tickets at the Ristikko’s front desk or at  for 10 € (limited amount). Buy your tickets here:

And hey! KING & QUEEN OF KILTER comp finals will be before the movie night at Ristikko. More details coming soon.


Climbing Film Tour is back for its 5th season with an awesome selection of short films celebrating them global climbing community.
Climbing Film Tour is a unique platform for climbers and filmmakers around the world to share their stories with the community. Each year, films are submitted and selected by our Vertical Life climbing team to go on tour with screenings in hundreds of gyms, and cinemas. Join us for a journey around the world.

This season, we’ll follow Ian Elliott, a 72-year-old Australian rock climber defying age stereotypes as he ascends a grade 28/7c route just before his 70th birthday. Kai Lightner, a 12-time national climbing champion, against the backdrop of Jamaica and their emerging climbing community. Meet up with Freya, Leo Houlding’s daughter, who uses climbing as a practice to lean into discomfort and fear to help navigate her neurodiversity and harness its strengths. You’ll be on the edge of your seat in Cedar Wright’s film “Dropping Molly”, following Molly Mitchell’s Roller Coaster Journey to climb “Crank-It”, one of Colorado’s most dangerous routes. We’ll take you north to the ephemeral Scottish land of mixed climbing with Fay and Line and then meet up with Québécois/ Australian Jacques Beaudoin climber and the effort behind a hard trad first ascent up a thin crack in The Gardens of Stone Conservation Area of Newnes Plateau, NSW, Australia. And then, well, a film about Jackson Marvell. Join us for a journey around the world. Welcome!


10 €


Kiipeilyareena Ristikko
Ajomiehentie 1 (3.krs.)
Helsinki, 00390
+ Google Map
+358 44 745 5291